Becerril de Campos está situado en la bella y serena comarca natural de Tierra de Campos. Bordeando la villa nos encontramos el ramal de Campos del Canal de Castilla,
una de las más importantes obras de ingeniería de la España ilustrada. Cruza el canal el puente de San Juan, por el que en la actualidad pasa la carretera que conduce a la Laguna de la Nava.
Las Casas del Corro están situadas en el centro de la villa de Becerril de Campos, declarada Conjunto Histórico en 2004, lo que nos invita a pasear y
disfrutar por un importante y rico patrimonio cultural y artístico.
From the history of the town, it is worth highlighting its past as the town of Behetría (the neighbors could freely admit whoever they wanted as lord), the important
The town's historical past is reflected in the conserved singular buildings and houses, as well as in the remains of some of the seven churches and various hermitages that the town had.
The old town is accessed through a beautiful pointed arch, the only Gate of the Wall that is preserved, and which leads us to the Church of Santa Eugenia ,
the current parish, next to a 16th century fountain. All this leads to a beautiful Plaza Mayor with typical Castilian arcades
on which is the old Town Hall , restored and transformed into a cultural center, and the current City Hall, built in the early nineteenth century,
in which the moral sayings and proverbs that are placed in each of its windows stand out.
The Church of Santa María houses the important Campos del Renacimiento Territorial Museum, which includes works by Pedro Berruguete and Alejo de Vahía .
From the remains of the others
three churches that remain include the Mudejar brick tower, s. XIV of the Church of San Martín ; tower
of the Church of San Miguel and the 12th Romanesque portal of the Church of San Pedro ,
today a center of astronomical interest known internationally as San Pedro Cultural.
You can see more of our house and the town if you see
this chapter of Agrosfera, the program dedicated to the rural world on La 2 de TVE.
Link to Becerril de Campos Town Hall .